Introducing our 6-month EUDR risk assessment subscription
We are offering new customers full access for six months to all of EUDR Risk insights, deforestation analytics for thousands of plots, traceability to all of our mills and access to Plot Check for checking plot boundaries for EUDR compliance.

In a little over six months, perhaps the greatest experiment ever in sustainable supply chains begins. Six commodities, including palm, will need to prove they are deforestation-free under the stringent requirements of the EU Deforestation Regulation or EUDR. So are you ready?
If the answer is 100% yes, then congratulations, but if it is anything between ‘almost’ to ‘the EU is going to delay, right?’, then you probably need our 6-month EUDR Risk Assessment subscription offer.
What is the 6-month EUDR Risk Assessment subscription?
We are offering new customers full access for six months to all of EUDR Risk insights, deforestation analytics for thousands of plots, and traceability to all of our mills, crushers, and refineries. Everything. Period. We are also offering you access to Plot Check, so you can securely analyze your plots for EUDR rated risks. It’s that simple. The beauty of our EUDR risk assessment service is it doesn’t matter how much or how little you know about your supply chain risks, because we can still give you deep insights.
Industry-leading report accuracy
How we verify non-compliant conversion of forest to palm
In cases where young palm may be maturing and soon entering the supply chain, Our EUDR reports include high-resolution imagery verifying if cleared forest area was planted with oil palm and if the timeline suggests it will soon be mature and entering the supply chain. As not every case is “clear cut”, we assign risk ratings to help you make a judgment.
Here’s how we do it.
Use your mill list to trace and analyze your plots
Upload and analyze your mill list in less than a minute
Your mill list is your best EUDR friend. With, you can securely upload your mill list into your private Portfolio. We then trace which plots are likely to supply your mills and tell you which plots have EUDR deforestation or legality risk. Using our industry-leading grievance database, we also tell you which plots and mills that you source from have active grievances such as human rights violations, labor disputes, and land conflicts.
Securely check your plots for EUDR deforestation risk and legality concerns
Plot Check analyzes your plots for EUDR compliance risk without needing to share them with us
Plot Check securely checks your plots for deforestation and legality risk without loading them onto our servers. Just load your plot boundaries and Plot Check analyzes them for remaining EUDR forest and EUDR deforestation risk. It also links them to nearby grievances, mills, and our EUDR Risk Insights.
Check your suppliers for risks
If you don’t have a mill list or any plots, we can still help you assess your EUDR Risk. We have analyzed EUDR risks for hundreds of palm suppliers and traders, organized into dashboards including the world’s major producers, refiners, traders, and oleochemical producers. Company Dashboards are updated monthly with the latest deforestation information and grievances.
Ready for Due Diligence statements?

When you are ready to start preparing Due Diligence statements, upgrade to our EU Operator tier for access to our tools for reviewing plots and packaging a statement. Our team will work carefully with you to help you prepare and to resolve data issues/concerns.
Why us?

EUDR compliance is no easy task, which is why we focus exclusively on palm oil supply chains. This allows us to tailor our services to the specifics and intricacies of the palm sector. Since we began monitoring palm oil in 2017, we have established ourselves as a no nonsense, evidence-based monitoring service. We are short on gimmicks and long on experience, which helps our customers find deforestation-free suppliers and weed out the ones that aren’t.
Get started today!
If you would like to sign up for our EUDR service, please contact us at We will send you a login invitation, give you a training course to get you started, and fully support you. You can learn more about our EUDR service at or schedule a demo.