Goes to RT2023

If you haven't seen our Plot Check tool yet, please join us for’s first Feature Highlight Webinar on Tuesday, December 12th 2023 for the English Language Session and Wednesday, December 13th 2023 for the Indonesian Language Session. You can register here. The Plot Check tool will assist you in identifying EUDR deforestation risks in plot boundaries supplied by your suppliers. All Enterprise, Business, and Producer subscribers can now use Plot Check. We also provide one-month free trials, so please contact us if you are interested.

The team attended our second RSPO Conference two weeks ago at Hotel Mulia in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was great to see some familiar faces from last year's RT2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Throughout the three-day event, the team reconnected with old friends and made new ones. We were excited about showcasing the newest and most advanced features of our platform, aiming to provide a better experience for companies and any passerby who came by our booth.

A selfie with Joseph D’Cruz, RSPO CEO at the RT2023 Exhibition

We love that is already known for its pink palm trees and this year we brought our neon lights to the booth which made for a conversation starter. Another visit from RSPO’s Chief Executive Officer, Joseph D’Cruz, we must say we were incredibly thrilled to show it to him. The discussions centered on monitoring smallholder data and taking a jurisdictional approach to tracking deforestation.

Every year the conference serves as an opportunity for companies, NGOs, government representatives, and other stakeholders to collaborate on improving sustainability standards and practices in the palm oil sector. The event also involves discussions on certification standards, compliance, and strategies to mitigate the environmental and social impacts associated with palm oil cultivation.

Many of those who attended RSPO RT were already familiar with, and so we were excited to be able to share the newest and latest features from our software when companies stop by for a live demo. The team loved hearing about what people had to say about sustainability and innovations in the palm oil sector. Events like RSPO provide a valuable opportunity for industry’s commitment to driving positive change and providing cutting-edge solutions to the current challenges.

A protest just outside

Protest at RT2023

But the RSPO is not without its critics. On the last day of the conference, just as we thought things were coming to a close, there was a murmur in the room. Greenpeace Indonesia, Pantau Gambut, and TuK held a silent protest outside. Environmental activists handed us a pamphlet titled "Important facts of the 20 year RSPO Roundtable Meeting (RT 2023)" that detailed the Palm Oil Companies and RSPO Member Banks involved in environmental crimes, from explaining illegal Palm Oil Companies in Peat Areas to conflicts between RSPO members and local communities, as well as listing the names of companies they believed were burning forests.The protest also mentioned banks that are financing environmental crimes, noting that environmental crimes committed by RSPO members are also funded by banks. Booth at RSPO RT2023

What’s next for

It's been a long couple of weeks for the team, exhausting yet exciting, and after a short break, we're ready to get back to work. We are preparing for a major update to including EUDR prep and due diligence tools and our much anticipated jurisdictional monitoring feature. Stay tuned for more information on what we have in store for you via our social media channels, Maphubs LinkedIn and Instagram