Newsletter - April 2023 April Newsletter is here! This month brand will reveal details of our new Help Center, an easy way to track RSPO-certified Mills, “Heartbeats” and a case coming from Sarawak, Malaysia along with many more... April Newsletter is here! This month, we reveal details of our new Help Center, an easy way to track RSPO-certified mills, “Heartbeats”, and a case from Sarawak, Malaysia.
What’s new? has always prioritized simplicity and functionality and that extends to our new “ Help Center”. From getting started to advanced features for seasoned pros, the Help Center covers everything you need to know about You can find help ranging from signing up, customizing the dashboard to your needs, monitoring deforestation, changing map layers, tracking relationships within supply chains, and much more. You can access the Help Center anywhere in the site by clicking on the question mark in the side bar.

Our subscribers use for various reasons, so we have worked to ensure that the “ Help Center'' caters to everyone. The Help Center will answer your frequently asked questions, documents the data that we use, and has a glossary of terms. It is available in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. It is a work in progress, so feedback is most welcome. Do not hesitate to contact us at
Deforestation "Heartbeats"

We have added a new feature just for you where a flatline is desirable. In a flatline means few to no alerts of deforestation. If you go to concession and mill dashboard, you will be able to see the visualization to these alerts. These alerts illustrate how many hectares of deforestation have occurred month by month and year by year. The “heartbeats” are there to show you the ups and downs of the recurring deforestation.
What’s coming up?

Our CEO and Founder, Leo Bottrill, will be speaking at the upcoming RSPO Inter-American Conference in May 2023. Leo will be speaking on a panel titled, "Verifying What Matters" - a conversation among different palm oil stakeholders on what are the top priorities for monitoring the sustainability of palm oil. He anticipates a lively discussion! This conference will mark the first of its kind, gathering key actors of the palm oil industry in Latin America and North America in Miami, Florida. It will be a chance for those who have been working in the region to have the opportunity to share their lessons learned and experience in the Palm Oil Industry. And there is a strong possibility that will have some new and exciting features to share. See you there!
Tip of the month is all about traceability and transparency, which is why navigating our dashboards is the way to track everything you need to know. Let’s take mills for example. You can simply click on the ‘eye’ icon on the side of each mill you wish to track and voila! Everything you want to track is right there for you to see. You get an overview of the deforestation risk and a list of buyers, concessions, facilities and grievances.
Case of the month

This month’s deforestation comes from Sarawak, Malaysia. As of 2015, palm oil plantations in Malaysia covered 5.64 million hectares, of which 1.44 million hectares (26%) were in Sarawak. Between Jan 2021 to Jan 2023, we detected and mapped logging and deforestation events, totaling over 2,500 ha. Currently under the Shin Yang Group of companies, this concession is <10km away from Sepakau Mill from Sarawak Oil Palms that supplies to major buyers including major palm oil refiners and consumer goods companies. According to grievance monitoring, Shin Yang is linked to 22 grievances and is subject to 3 supplier suspensions.
Shin Yang has made some progress towards sustainability. Its Miri and Murum area estates have been certified by the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO). The MSPO Certification endeavors to provide responsible management and promote 3 bottom lines of sustainability (3P - Planet, People, Profitability). Given many of their customers sell to the EU, it is likely Shin Yang will be under growing pressure to clean up its act.
Benefit of the month

Did you know that not only can you easily find cases that are potential EU Risk but also you can see those who are RSPO certified. Make sure you scroll to the side and you’ll see the green checklist for mills certified by RSPO. is always adding new features and new columns to enhance your due diligence, that’s exactly what you can see on our mill dashboards.
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