Newsletter - July 2024 welcomes new team members to our Jakarta office! We will host a "Maps 101" webinar on August 6th, 2024, to showcase our mapping tools. now offers short-term EUDR risk subscriptions with detailed risk reports and a comprehensive grievance database. welcomes new team members to our Jakarta office! We will host a "Maps 101" webinar on August 6th, 2024, to showcase our mapping tools. now offers short-term EUDR risk subscriptions with detailed risk reports and a comprehensive grievance database.
What’s new?
New Staff Members

We are delighted to announce the addition of two new members to our Jakarta office team at Please join us in welcoming Aqsha and Naufal, who will be integral parts of our data team. They will be collaborating closely with our Senior Data Analyst to enhance and expand our database capabilities. We are confident that their expertise and enthusiasm will significantly contribute to our ongoing efforts and success. Welcome aboard, Aqsha and Naufal!
What’s coming up? Feature Highlight Webinar: Maps 101

Join us for another Feature Highlight Webinar, "Maps 101: Tips & Tricks," happening on August 6th 2024 at 19:00 WIB/08:00 EST/14:00 CET, you can register through here to participate. This session is designed to show you’s powerful mapping tools. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your expertise, we will guide you through various features, including different tools, coordinate tools, layers, and 3D mapping. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of Maps. Mark your calendars and see you there!
Tip of the month
Mill EUDR risk ratings
Filter Mill EUDR Risk Rating with
Did you know? Mill EUDR risk ratings now use a two-part method to evaluate risk. First, we rate mills according eTTP1 and eTTP2 plots that have strong traceability links to the mill and then second, we also rate them by other plots within 25 km. This allows us to monitor both for traceability and proximity risks near to mills. This will help companies evaluate both immediate EUDR risks as well as potential risks suc as High risk plots in close proximity but without known traceability relationships.
Benefit of the month
We’re offering 6-month short-term EUDR risk subscriptions! is pleased to offer 6 month short-term EUDR risk subscriptions, perfect for companies exploring their options or seeking a quick solution for their EUDR Risk needs. We have a number of features that set us apart. First,’s EUDR system apart is its comprehensive grievance database that addresses legality risk, ensuring full compliance and transparency. Second, our risk reports come with visual evidence of conversion to oil palm, providing clear and actionable insights. And third, our unique risk ratings for global mills, users can easily assess their EUDR risk by simply uploading a mill list. This makes an invaluable tool for companies preparing for EUDR compliance.
Understanding the EUDR
The latest on the EUDR DDS system
EU Operators will submit their Due Diligence Statements (DDS) through the EU DDS Information System being built in TRACES NT, see
There are two primary components to submitting a DDS.
- The product type and volume
- The production place (the plots) imported from GeoJSON format
What is next?
Based on the latest published timeline, The EC will publish training videos in August, and distribute user guides in September.
Can I start today?
Operators that don’t have accounts in TRACES NT can start the process now, see
“Operators that import or export relevant commodities and relevant products need to provide their Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number when registering in TRACES NT. Domestic operators/traders, who do not have an EORI number may register through one of the other identifiers supported by TRACES such as VAT number, National Company Number or Taxpayer Identification Number.”
The latest information about the EUDR DDS system is available here: