Newsletter - September 2024

Leo goes on New York Climate Week TREES Act Panel. has updated its Help Center and have plans for new NDPE deforestation risk features. Read what we have to say about the plans to delay EUDR. Newsletter - September 2024
Leo on NY Climate Week TREES Act Panel

Leo speaking on New York Climate Week TREES Act Panel about sustainable supply chains and deforestation. has updated its Help Center for improved subscriber support and announced plans of new features related to NDPE deforestation risk. Leo will also be attending the SEPAWA Congress 2024 in Berlin.

What’s new?

Leo speaks on to New York Climate Week TREES Act Panel

Leo speaking the TREES Act Panel Last Week

Our CEO and Founder, Leo Bottrill, had a busy Climate Week in our home city of New York. On Thursday, He participated in a Climate Week panel, From Albany to the Amazon: How New York State Can Halt Tropical Deforestation. Organized by Environmental Advocates NY, the National Wildlife Federation, and Friends of the Earth, Leo and his fellow panelist of environmental advocates, Indigenous People's Representatives, State policy directors, and investors, dived into the nitty gritty of establishing a deforestation-free Procurement Law in NY State.

We discussed how the groundbreaking bill - currently awaiting approval on Governor Hochul’s desk - could significantly curb deforestation, protect indigenous people's rights, and expand demand for sustainably sourced commodities. The event illustrated how a broad coalition is emerging to demand regulations to make sustainable supply chains the norm and support the fight for the future of the planet.

Help Center Updates Help Center

We are excited to announce the latest update to the Help Center, designed to better support you, our valued subscribers. With this update, you'll find an even more intuitive and comprehensive resource to assist you in navigating our platform and making the most of its powerful features. We've enhanced our knowledge base with new help guides, updated existing content for clarity, and improved search functionality to ensure you can quickly find the answers you need. Visit the Help Center today and discover how we've made it easier than ever to get the assistance you deserve.

What’s coming up?

Leo Bottrill is coming to SEPAWA Congress 2024 in Berlin

SEPAWA Congress 2024

Our CEO and founder, Leo Bottrill is excited to be attending the SEPAWA Congress 2024 in Berlin, Germany, from 23-25 October 2024. This event will bring together industry leaders from the home care, cosmetics, and detergents sectors, and Leo will be there to meet and connect with many of our existing subscribers and learn more about the detergent, cleansers, and cosmetics industries preparation for EUDR and other environmental regulations. If you are attending the conference and would like to arrange a meeting with him, please do not hesitate to contact us at or WhatsApp +1 917-999-5192. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!


With the next update will now have NDPE deforestation/peat loss risk and Verified Deforestation Free (VDF) percentages for every mill and plot, as well as for plots checked with Plot Check. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to us at

Tip of the month

Map Pop-ups

/0:00 Map Pop-ups

On maps, the pop-up feature for Mill, Plot, and Risk Insight provides essential information to subscribers. For Mills, the pop-up displays details such as the mill's name and location. The Plot pop-up reveals specifics about individual plots, including their size, name, location. Both mills and plot pop-up provides the QR code to scan for location on your mobile phone. Meanwhile, the Risk Insight pop-up directs you to our monthly analyst-reviewed report on potential risks associated with the land, such as deforestation or others, and offers historical data along with Mills and/or Plots associated with the supply chain. The purpose of these pop-ups is to provide subscribers with quick and easy access to the data on the map by providing actionable insights.  

Benefit of the month

All the ways to get started in

New users should check out our latest Getting Started guide here.

As you know the dashboard has undergone a significant update, placing key features such as your company's data statistics—like risk insights, grievances, mills, plots, and buyers & suppliers—front and center for easy access. 

Understanding the EUDR

The case for not delaying EUDR

JRC Global Map of Forest Cover 2020

As we all know, the EUDR began as a response to the failure of voluntary deforestation-free agreements to stem increasing deforestation rates. Calls for delaying the EUDR mapping accuracy, smallholder exclusion, and economic impact, these arguments fail to recognize that the EUDR provides clear definitions and will ultimately prove to be a far simpler and less expensive compliance approach than existing voluntary measures. And critically, everyone has to do it.

The JRC 2020 Forest Map, while not perfect, provides a foundation for monitoring deforestation. Concerns that smallholders will be excluded because of over estimating forest cover are overblown. Inexpensive farm data is available to filter the JRC forest map. Furthermore, the EUDR applies to all manufacturers, including those within the EU, and it provides several benefits, including: increased supply chain transparency and potential cost savings over time.

Given the public support for the EUDR and many companies' progrss to comply, postponing its implementation will only hinder progress in combating deforestation and discourage the development of service providers committed to helping compliance efforts. Finally, we must embrace the EUDR as an essential step toward showing that a large market can run sustainably and encourage similar efforts throughout the world. Read about what our CEO and Founder, Leo Bottrill, said about it here.

Never a better time to subscribe to!

If you are preparing for the EUDR or just want to dig into your NDPE risks, is the most comprehensive, evidence-driven, platform on the market. Please contact us for a demo and a free trial at